The Analysis Parameters allow the user to input variables that impact the Vehicle Replacement Timeline, the EV Identification Analysis, the Total Cost of Ownership Analysis, and the Carbon Emissions Calculations.
- Vehicle Placement Analysis: These parameters impact the replacement years for each vehicle. Values specific to your organization may be found in internal fleet regulations/policies.
- Expected Service Life (years): Enter a general expected service life for emergency and non-emergency vehicles in your organization’s fleet. If an expected service life for each vehicle has been provided these cells will lock.
- Expected Lifecycle Utilization (Mileage): Enter the expected lifetime mileage of emergency and non-emergency vehicles in your organization’s fleet.
- Replace Now Thresholds: Enter thresholds at which a vehicle should be replaced. For example, if a vehicle reaches 150% of its expected mileage or its life-to-date maintenance costs exceed the purchase price it may be time for replacement.
- EV Identification: These parameters impact the identification of an EV Type.
- Include Auxiliary Loads: Allows user to toggle whether or not estimated auxiliary loads (HVAC, sirens etc.) are included in a vehicle’s daily energy use. Default is yes.
- Total Cost of Ownership: These parameters impact the fueling and maintenance costs considered in the TCO calculations.
- Fuel Cost (units vary): Users can input gas, diesel, compressed natural gas and electricity costs specific to their organization. Default inputs for gas diesel and electricity prices are based on actual municipal data. Default CNG prices is based on the past 5-year averaged price in the United States.
- PG&E Commercial EV Rates: Users can decide whether they want to consider the impacts of PG&E’s upcoming Commercial EV Rates on Total Cost of Ownership. Selecting this option removes the user’s ability to enter a custom electricity cost and uses a weight average rate of electricity based on PG&E’s rate schedule. You will need to put the fraction of time you will spend charging your vehicles on-, off- and super off-peak. The safety factor is to acknowledge that the daily fleet energy use may vary from day to day from the average. The default is 1.1 meaning a 10% deviation. You can change this to a figure that makes sense for your fleet.
- Operating & Maintenance Costs ($/mile): Users can provide O&M costs specific to their organization. Default O&M costs for ICE vehicles are based on actual observed municipal data. Default O&M costs for EVs are based on data provided by AAA.
- TCO Calculation Period (years): Users can choose the time period over which TCO is calculated. Default is set to a standard 10 years.
- Include Clean Vehicle Rebate Project Incentives: Users can indicate whether they would like to include CVRP rebates in the TCO analysis, thereby reducing the MSRP of the EV models considered.
- Location of Primary Fleet Center: Users can specify whether their organization’s primary fleet center is located in a Disadvantaged Community. If yes, they will be eligible for increased CVRP rebates.
- Carbon Emissions Calculations: These parameters change the carbon emission reductions associated with vehicle electrification.
- Carbon Intensity of Electricity: Users can choose whether the electricity used to charge vehicles comes from the California grid or if their organization is enrolled in a 100% renewable electricity option.